One of the Chinese traditional medicine is medicine that is in China and has evolved over thousands of years old. That treatment using herbs, acupuncture, massage and acupressure.
This treatment is highly trusted by all the processes in the human body connect and interact with the environment. Emerging diseases caused around the House and to not preclude life romantisan. No symptoms to the inefficient provision that's used in the understanding, treatment, and prevention of diseases that arise.
No treatment is rarely disagreement with medical, but unfortunately some scholars combining the principle of medicine based authentication.
There is no harm if we know some traditional medicine which emerged around the following there are 4 of us and I will describe:
1. Acupuncture
Treatment with acupuncture method is a technique of inserting a needle into the harness "technique of acupuncture" make the body of the patient. Many functions of this treatment, from the start can restore health, fitness body, treating pain in derita, can menyembukan headaches, lower back pain, and nausea.
Acupuncture found about 2000 years BCE. This technique essentially wear pointy stone tools. According to experts the expert science of acupuncture, there are about 365 acupuncture points in the human body, and every organ of the body is sure to have a relationship with some acupuncture points. The needle used is specialized for acupuncture with a size of cun. Actually a lot of needles used when treatment depends on the diagnosis and diakupuntur areas, almost all disease can be cured through these techniques.
Acupuncture – engineering techniques are also used for body slimming and beauty for women especially the face. For slimming body pricked a needle that is the belly. While before doing acupuncture not expected when hungry and not too jaded.
2. Herbal
Although the technology is more advanced and developed in the field, development of drugs is getting good, the reality of drugs derived from natural herbal can be called a growing number of enthusiasts, and one of the supporting.
Many people assume when herbs safely consumed than chemical-based oba. Of course the most famous country with alternative healing methods by using method of China.
3. massage
Chinese traditional massage method is indeed very useful for healing pain complaints media waist, back, shoulders, and was exhausted. The patient must be in a State of face-down and massaged a combined 8 basic movements.
The benefits of a massage to make more regular menstrual cycle, skin elasticity, can stimulate the spleen that could raise health and elasticity to the skin, increasing the passion of sex as well as regain sensuality.
4. Acupressure
This is a traditional healing therapies from China, using the fingers of the hand. His way by pressing certain points on the body to facilitate the flow of chi in the body. A smooth flow of chi will utilize the antibodies in a person's body for menyembukan disease. Acupressure points are located on both hands and feet. In the Palm of the hand there are acupressure points for the heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, liver, thyroid gland, pancreas, sinuses, brain, uterus.
These therapies need certain laptop and pressure, to be able to give effect to the body so that it speeds up cell regeneration, detoxify, to remove cancer cells, blood flow are clogged. Although the menimbul pain at the time carried an emphasis on that point. Acupressure or Zhi Ya have the same principle with acupuncture that is stimulating the meridians.
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