Asthma Risk
Before that in health matters of substance I explained what lupus, and this time my brother will talk about what it was like asthma or a narrow airway, according to data from the World Health Organization in 2011, deaths from asthma.
In Indonesia reached 14,624 people means that asthma causes about 1% of all deaths in Indonesia about 1.1% of the population suffer from asthma. Even though it may belong to a rare disease that still need to be aware that asthma control and not allowed to get to the stage of a life-threatening bouts.
Asthma definition
Asthma is a long-term disease that can cause difficulty breathing, suffering from a cough, wheeze when relapse. In each of the severity of the disease varies, and generally can be controlled completely. Asthma occurs when the airways or bronchi people develop inflammation. Bronchial tubes used in the form of a small tube carrying air to and from the lungs. Bronchial asthma patients are usually more sensitive than others and more easily develop inflammation.
The common denominator that triggers asthma
Understanding the trigger here is that anything that can irritate the airways and this is something that will lead to the emergence of symptoms of the common causes for asthma asthma every different one.
There are many things that can be common triggers include asthma, animal dander, cold air, dust, smoke, pollen, and lung infections, and sports. Some specific activities such work may also be aggravation of asthma.
Factors that cause asthma attacks
There are many triggers that lead to asthma symptoms but different for each patient. If you know what asthma is called an attempt to avoid it. Here are a number of causes of asthma:
• allergens, such as animal dander, dust mites, and pollen.
• infection of the lungs and respiratory year by the influenza virus and fever occur.
• medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen. For the record, we should not give aspirin to children under the age of 16 years.
• Air irritation, such as chemical fumes, smoke, and air pollution.
• weather factors, such as cold weather, windy weather and hot weather support poor air quality and wet weather, changes in the degree of radical heat.
• foods or drinks that contain sulfates (a natural substance sometimes used as a food preservative) such as butter, shrimp, and processed foods, and half-cooked, and packaging of fruit juice drinks, and some particular wine only fueled those who are vulnerable.
• Sports | Sometimes asthma symptoms get worse when exercising the sufferer.
• Status of the room, and the rooms were damp or moldy, floors, carpets and chemicals, and dust particles.
• emotional factors such as stress or laughter.
• specific food allergies, also known as allergic reactions. Examples of people who suffer from asthma who are allergic to nuts. Can be allergic reactions lead to the launching of asthma attacks worse sufferer
Common symptoms of asthma
And asthma, ranging from mild to severe asthma symptoms known worsened considerably, with an asthma attack. There are several symptoms of asthma include:
• cough cough that usually occurs at night and in the early morning.
• difficulty breathing that make for what is, why is the sufferer.
• chest feels claustrophobic.
• wheezing, and produces this sound when air flows through narrowed airlines.
• asthma attacks are triggered by exposure to allergens or physical activity.
Patients may experience one or more of these symptoms. The symptoms are worse at night or when someone is doing physical activity can indicate that the illness is getting worse and can not be controlled. You should consult a doctor immediately if you experience this.
And usually severe asthma attacks occur gradually, although a small percentage of sufferers experience symptoms worsen quickly. Generally, it will take 6-24 hours to the normal conditions of asthma to develop into severe asthma.
In addition to the throttle | Difficulty breathing | And wheezing exacerbation of other signs of severe asthma attacks is low in exhaled hard to talk, anxiety, lips and nails that look blue, increased pulse rate, as well as inhalation (medicine inhaled to treat asthma) Savior who does not work anymore in dealing with the symptoms,
Do not ignore if you experience these signs. You should consult a doctor immediately.
Here are some of the causes of asthma and others, are as follows:
Default or derivatives
Asthma is a genetic disease. If we have a family history of asthma, it is possible for you or your child will also suffer from the disease, so please be aware that if asthma is not contagious, but hereditary.
So, if you know that we have naration family suffers from asthma, then immediately take the necessary measures for asthma is a way to consult a specialist doctor.
Environmental Factors
Filled with dust and smoke polluted environment is the beginning of the onset of asthma. Dust found at his home and other public places is the cause of asthma, such as cigarette smoke, fumes and smoke of others, are all factors that asthma occurs.
It is therefore advisable to always keep a healthy lifestyle. Cleaning the house of dust as much as possible as often as possible, and prevent children from things that lead easily allergies such as dolls or fluffy pillows or mattresses of kapok.
Food factor
It also caused food asthma. Some of the foods that can cause asthma, you need to avoid junk food that have high levels of MSG and preservatives elevated material, cream or cold drinks, nuts and chocolate contains the allergen, as well as peanuts.
The weather was cold temperature is also a factor of the onset of asthma. Use of air conditioning with temperature and mountainous areas as well as cold weather can cause asthma
The treatment of asthma in Tradisonal
In addition to the method of medical treatment, asthma can be treated with a variety of ingredients. Here is a traditional herb for treating asthma, you can try her one.
Kenanga Hotel Dried Flowers
Ingredients Ingredients:
3 flowers blossom dry
200 cc of water.
Access to treatment:
Dried flower memories 200CC brewed with boiling water, then cover tightly. After the cold water instead of drunk every time. Drink this mixture regularly every day.
Fruit Cermai
Ingredients Ingredients:
6 seeds Ciremai
2 green onions
1/4 Kara root phones
Litchi fruit 8
2 cups of water.
Access to treatment:
Rinse litchi fruit, and then bombarded with all other ingredients. Then, boil in 2 cups of water until the remaining 1/2 cup. After the cold water filter In the case of sugar.
Leaves to tolod
Ingredients Ingredients:
2 bay leaves to tolod
2 cups of water.
Access to treatment:
Tolod to wash sheets and then boil in 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup.
After the cold water filter In the case of sugar.
Implementation of this treatment twice a day, every morning and evening
The ingredients:
Taste powder
2 tablespoons pure honey
Chicken 1 egg
Orange 1/4 lime
Kencur washed then grate and squeeze the juice. Results mixed feelings with honey and eggs and mix well do not forget the lemon juice and stir until everything becomes really mixed drink a dose in the afternoon and evening before going to sleep.
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