Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

History of public health in the era of the Messenger of Allah

History of public health in the era of the Messenger of Allah

Preventive measures Messenger

            Preventive measures are two types: Prevention of things that can cause the disease, or of the things that aggravate the existing disease so as not to increase the disease, at least.

            It was invited for the first time and prevention of disease in healthy people. Second, preventive measures for patients.

            In modern which retains / save it, that the Prophet said:
            "In fact, God is the servant of God likes to protect him from the dangers of the world as one of you care for the sick from the food and drink."

            Other verbally mentioned:
            "God protects the faithful servant of the risks in the world."

            As for the talk circulating by word of mouth among many people.
            "Prevention is the primary treatment, the stomach and the nest of disease, the body gets used to doing everything he always does.
            Prevent or preventive measures, according to medical experts, when performed on a healthy person as important as the process of removing harmful substances from patients or those who are recovering from illness.

            It must be known that when the Prophet forbade Ali to ban the eating of dates that still depend ditandannya when he was recovering from an illness, it is the best way to adapt. This is due to the shock that ditangkai is still palm fruit, which is usually hang out deliberately in the house to eat.

            While wet dates have special such as "ballast material" to the stomach that cause stomach properties become busy anticipate and overcome them so as not conducted a purge of residual disease process and the many bad influences.

Islam teaches Muslims always to keep clean, both myself and the surrounding environment. SAW Messenger of Allah said: "partial hygiene rather than faith." If the personal and environmental hygiene awake, health will be obtained.

In the teachings of Islam, and maintaining personal hygiene can play always purify themselves every time after having provided berha- Das, large or small, ablution each time you pray, and showers. At the same time, it can be the cleanliness of the environment and that by not throwing garbage in any tempat.Jalaluddin Suyuti gives an explanation in his book entitled Manual Tibb al-Nabawi. According to him, in addition to maintaining the cleanliness, the Prophet Muhammad also cited other efforts in maintaining health. These efforts, in the world of modern medicine today, it is called as a precaution (preventive). Suyuti determines the preventive measures that embody the Prophet Muhammad, such as food Lee- ngonsumi kosher, exercise, and control diet to prevent weight gain.

In addition to the knowledge related to public health, it also has the Islamic civilization to the knowledge of the science of medicine. Since the days of the Prophet Muhammad, medicine is a science that studies carefully. Harith bin Kaladah time of ignorance is the doctor who was alive at the time of the Prophet. Although he is not a Muslim, the Prophet of Muslims who are sick to get him treatment. His son, Nadr bin Harith bin Kaladah, also became the first Muslim doctor terkenal.Dokter who wrote the book is Ali al-Tabari. A Syrian doctor who converted to Islam in the year 855, was the personal physician of the Caliph al-Mutawakkil. He wrote the first medical books in Arabic, that is the paradise of God wisdom. This book contains medicine in the context of Greece and India.

        Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (Razi), a physician and pharmacist, as well as philosophy, the title of two hundred books on medicine books. Among these Mansouri (Lipper Almansoris translates to the 15th century) and consists of 10 volumes and the- Judari Wa Al calculation (smallpox and measles) .Dokter Islam is the greatest in the history of Ibn Sina was also a great philosopher. He was called the King of Kings Medicorum name nickname main doctor of classical European tradition. Avicenna wrote many books about medicine, such as Al-Fi Operation Imposing Law-in-Tibb (the principles of Medicine) .Tokoh medical another Muslim is Abulcasis AZ-verse (936-1013), known in Europe, and Abulcasis. A surgeon and dentist Muslim Spain during the reign of Abd-ar-Rahman III (890-961). He wrote encyclopedia entitled at-Tasrifli man Arjaza and at-Talif. He explained the last volume of the Encyclopedia clearly graph bedah.Sementara two hundred kinds of tools, and Ibn Rushd, known as Averoes in the West (1126-1198) and a leading histiology (Lh- ogy). His work entitled Al Kulliyyat--Fi in-Tibb (General Medicine). In this book, and he explained that a person can not be infected with chickenpox twice. He also explained the function of the retina.

In the history of ever there was a time, where doctors do not sell!

         Once the Prophet Muhammad, he was not rewarded with a doctor before the Roman governor rule in Egypt. The first week has gone, and this doctor does not have patient. In mind the doctor, and he said he thought maybe it was not known widely in the Medina community at the time. The elements of the waiting time for patients in the month. It turned out that the same situation, he said, almost any of the patients who come for treatment to them. The doctor is trying to be patient again who knows after one month to two months until the step also encountered many patients as he experienced in other areas previously when making medical practice. As it has been said of the surprising almost any patient cured. Three months already, and the doctor should be a lot of idle due to lack of employment opportunities, which means he can do as a doctor. Even the Prophet Muhammad, leader of the state of Medina, the people that he was "guarded" health is not sick at all during the three months, the time it takes for the doctor to feel miserable because access to "intellectual unemployment situation."

What is the secret until the doctors "do not sell"?

     And missed it already at the end of the duty doctor who asked the Prophet, "What is the secret that causes you to be a people who barely They never get sick?" Then the Prophet replied, "We are people who do not eat before we were hungry and stop eating before you feel good."

Sports opportunities are wide open for all

        At that time it was not as advanced transport technology now. Then move is the main horse and camel. It can be said with these conditions are relatively few incidents and no strong impact as happens now. Because transport is "inconvenient" like a horse, making the rider must "follow the rising and lowering" vital parts of the body are not "being dashed against the" horse's back. The person on horseback, including exercise means. A friend said to me once. He rides for one hour was one tired of jogging for an hour. It can be said with the conditions of these communities, enough time and dose of exercise makes a fit person and more responsive to accomplish everyday tasks at work.

Head wrought social capital outstanding.

The following story shows how the social capital of the community in this very exciting time.

      Once Ubaidah bin silent may Allah be pleased with him receive a gift, and he had a family of 12 people. Then he said to a friend Obeida, go with this gift to the family of so and so, because they are more in need of this gift from me. Then a single bin worship achieve this gift to another family. However, when it comes to the family, and they say the same thing. Thus, the ultimate gift has been returned to the worship of the family before dawn. In another account, and the Caliph Omar, ever get a gift from the governor of Azerbaijan and the threshold bin Farqad. Then he was asked by a messenger from the caliph: "Are all the people enjoy the food there," replied the Prophet: "No, O faithful, this is your food." Caliph said: "Take this gift, return it to the owner, and says to him:" Fear Allah in the Eid al-Adha with the food that you eat until full.

How is this related to health with a social capital

       The moment we open the theories briefly about what social capital. It consists point of the social capital of the three social capital which is, trust element attributes (confidence), then the network (network) and the third is social exchange standard (reciprocity). And it is based on trust (confidence) to feel confident that others will respond as expected and in ways that will benefit and mutual support (reciprocity), or at least did not intend to harm others. Communication can be in the form of social organization, for example in the form of Posyandu activities, the PKK, lectures and social network with the wording of the complex relationships between people in the community. Digest complex huh? More easily show me the following illustration

         Can community in the United States, as Malcolm Gladwell said in his book Outlie describe how the social functions of capital. Community told by Gladwell is a small town of Roseto that most of the population of Italy is located in the Pennsylvania mountains. What is interesting about the town of Roseto, compared with other communities in American cities is coronary heart disease is very low. In fact, said digestif specialist Gladwell, the behavior is similar to the behavior of citizens Roseto other urban population, according to notes Wolf. The proportion of obese, heavy smokers and eat the fat composition is not ideal is more common in the city this Roseto. Wolf, surprised by the phenomena observed. What distinguishes the community of Roseto with other cities in America that led to coronary heart disease is very low?

         The secret is in the town of Roseto itself! Any head high social capital. Roseto citizens visit each other, and stop talking in Italian on the street or in cooking for its neighbors in the backyard of his home. Wolf notes Beyond that, many of the homes inhabited by three generations of the family and was very respectful of the grandparents. The town of Roseto very religious, how can the church be really unified tremendously. Note the wolf from the city in this category of the population of two thousand people have 22 social organizations. The colorful culture of equality and social interaction among the population, so that rich people are not eager to show off his wealth more ambitious to help people who can not afford. When I first saw this society, he saw the wolf food eaten by people up to three generations in the house, and found several pastry shops and baking, people walking around, sitting on the porch and chatted with each other garment factory where women workers while the men work in the plant list.

         It turned out to be a social community in the days of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina, not much different from what they said Malcolm Gladwell, even itsar (altruism) and feel with other people even if someone is in dire need and become dominant in the Medina community. When cooking and cooking smells wafted up to the neighbors, and multiply the sauce to be shared. Sharing the award with its neighbors have become commonplace, even five times a day residents socialize with each other through five times daily prayers. Medina community could be argued that social capital is very high. This means that there are two types of professions that would "bankrupt" in the community, such as Medina, medical professionals and lawyers. Because "no" patients and "no" people who filed a lawsuit against each other, because all of mutual respect and mutual understanding between rights and duties.

The spiritual state of the Prime Minister

         It is undeniable that the spiritual status of friends and citizens of Medina at that time, usually in very excellent condition. Exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad himself every day always pray tahajjud the obligatory prayers five times a day. Many of fasting, many of the male, and trust follow any issues that were diusakan optimally. Today has accumulated a lot of evidence linking commitment to spiritual values ​​with the health situation is good.

Healthy living counterfeit pattern ALA Messenger of Allah

        One side of the perfect life of the Prophet is the personal life sound pattern. The approach can be said that the preventive pattern that is consistent with public health disciplines. "Health is the right one for the human body." The words of the Prophet Muhammad.

        It reported health problems and diseases in the Koran. In Surah Yunus: 57 says, "O people, I went out the lessons from your Lord and therapists diseases (that are) in the chest and guidance and mercy for those who believe" (Surah Yunus 57).
Healthy Ala Messenger

        Based on the life history of the Prophet, recorded only ill twice after receiving the first revelation in the cave of Hira. When the body of the Prophet sudden fever due to extreme fear. The second event is to be sick on the eve of the death of the Prophet. This fact indicates that the messenger has the physical stamina unusual. While the natural conditions in the Arabian Peninsula, when it was very hard, barren, hot during the day and cool at night.

         In Sahih Bukhari, there are 80 conversations discussing personal health issues messenger. Not to mention that are discussed in true like true Muslim, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi, Bayhaqi, and Ahmad true. Prophet in his life are very concerned about health, both their health and the health of people. His teachings on the health aspects of an emphasis on prevention rather than treatment patterns.

         There are two salient pattern and related healthy lifestyle health disciplines of public health, a food individual and organization of health problems. In the aspect of the health of the individual, the Prophet always maintain personal hygiene, such as cutting hard nails, wash and cut hair and brushing your teeth. Hair done nails clipped activities every Thursday or Friday every week

        The other thing related to the health of the individual can be said that the reduction of food in the stomach. The Prophet encouraged people to make room in the stomach for three things namely air, water and food. All three must be filled in a balanced each about one-third of the contents of the stomach. And the word of the Apostle: "We are people who do not eat before the hungry and if we do not eat too much (and not satisfying)."

In the aspects of control of nutrition, and the Prophet always maintain the food that they consume. In his life, the Prophet often good eating dates dried dates, dates wet. It calls for eating dates and mentioned several times in the Koran, Surah Ra'du: 4 ", and on this earth there are parts together, and vineyards, crops and branching and not rooted palm tree, all the water with the water itself. We exaggerate in most plants above others about tastes. in this are signs (of God) for people who think "and Surah s: 10," and tall palm trees and the presence of the Virgin high levels of stacking trees. "

With regard to the wonders of dates, the prophet said as narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi. Anas law of the Republic ", he saw the Messenger of Allah. Before the break to pray to eat fresh dates, if not then with dates, and if there is not, he drank some water."

When they are done on seven palm fruit (100 grams) called to talk about weight, it turns out that it contains sugar (75.00 grams), and water (22.50 grams) and protein (2.50 g), and fat (2.50 grams) and fiber selullosa (4.00 grams) and vitamins A, B-1 and B-2. Minerals medium on seven dates are: potassium (79 mg), copper (21 mg), sulfur (65 mg), iron (5 mg) and magnesium (65 mg), manganese (2 mg), calcium (65 mg), phosphorus ( 72 grams). In essence, it can be 100 grams (7 dates) provide more than 350 energy to the human body.
Health experts agree also revealed the presence of amino acids in the dates, such as the antioxidant glutathione. After that date he studied scientifically and have all the essential nutrients needed by the body such as proteins, minerals, sugars and vitamins.

A doctor Muslim named Mohammed An_nasami in his book "Ath- Tibb the Prophet's Wall" Ilmil talk "(Medicine Ala Prophet and modern science) in medicine, and was pregnant women who give birth in dire need of food and drink is rich in elements of sugar, so this is due to the contraction of muscles the womb when it will release the child, and even more so if it takes a long time. sugar and vitamin B1 content helps control the uterus movement rate and increase the sistolennya (contraction of the heart when blood is pumped into the arteries). the elements included in the (wet dates) ruthab . Ruthab sugar content is very easy to digest quickly by the 
life style

          Like Messenger healthy lifestyle centered on control of the nutrition / food. They are selected food in the mouth of the Prophet accurately, both muslim and kindness. Size solver on how to get halal (legal) relating to the affairs of the Hereafter. While good (thayyib) relating to the affairs of this world in the form of nutritious food items for consumption. Often food and messenger is consumed honey to clean the digestive system. The hadith of the Prophet, "and if you use two drugs, the honey and the Quran" (Narrated by Ibn Majah and the Governor).
The pattern of other healthy lifestyle Ala prophet is to stop eating before satiety and do not eat before the hunger. Prophet is very concerned about the contents of the stomach is made up of solid, liquid and gaseous material. Modern prophet says: "son of Adam does not fill the place worse than his stomach. Suffice it to them some of the bits that enable the body. If it can not find any other way, then (he could fill his stomach) with one-third for food, one-third for drink and one third for breathing." (Narrated by Ibn Majah and Ibn).

Regulate sleep patterns is the key to a healthy lifestyle of the Prophet which is fast in bed at night and wake up quickly at dawn. Prophet usually sleep after evening prayers to then wake up dos third night to pray night. Does not exceed the length of time sleeping and needs, as well as at the time he wanted to sleep on it does not help. How to sleep Prophet reclined on the right when he saw the male even heavy eyes and eventually dropped asleep. Some agencies Prophet tilted to Fattrh short left, then swung back to the right. Model slept like this is very good for health because it is the right position with the stomach so that food is relatively stabilized. When turned to the left for a while and then digest faster because the stomach leads to the liver, then turned back to the right until the end of the bed so that faster tersuplai food from the stomach (Al Jawziyya 2004). When you wake up, messenger bersiwak directly (toothbrush), then ablution and prayer.

Prophet demands in a healthy lifestyle is typically run outside the month of Ramadan the year. Some fasting year and recommended by the prophet is puasapaa Mondays and Thursdays, and fasting in the month of Shawwal six months, and so forth. Lent is a simple and effective shield for the defense of personal restraint to avoid different types of physical and spiritual diseases. On the side of a healthy body, and can keep the fast hardware and stamina to stay activated means of purging toxins (poisons) in total in the body.
Prophet's life style-related preventive health to a great extent. Therefore, the proposal of purification, circumcision, and smile all tend to the health of individuals who empties Muslims 

physically and mentally healthy.

The Messenger of God in maintaining health

            God guides His servants to consume makann and drinks to be able to body treatment becomes poised to replace elements lost due to the combustion of natural pollution process, according to the required levels by the human body itself, both in terms of quality or quantity of food and beverages consumed. If the dose is exceeded, it means moderation. All of this is a lesson that can be learned from the word of God, "Eat and drink but do not overdo ...."

            Anyone greet the instructions of the Prophet, surely he get the direction of the Prophet important guidelines that can be used to maintain health. Because health care depends on the preservation of food and drink, clothing and shelter, air, sleep, time awake, activity Waco, comfort, and sex, urination and body treatments.

            Because health is the pleasure of God the greatest thing to his servant, the gift of God's gift to the most precious of God, which has a high value, even health largest completely from all the other pleasures and safety, the people who get Tawfiq of God Almighty tries undoubtedly to maintain their health and protect them from anything that could disturb their health.

            Thus, the issue of health and safety, according to the instructions of the Prophet, and how it maintains both, so that it becomes clear to anyone who examined that God strengthen the absolute secar instructions. It is the way, the slave acquires jasamani kesehatn and spiritual. Only our God for help, and we lean on God only.

            As for food and beverages, not including the sayings of the Prophet to abstain from eating one type of food, and eating other foods. Because it is natural that the dangerous habit. Sometimes it can be that he can not eat the food he loves, while he did not eat other foods, and the body becomes weak or even die. If forced to eat other foods, the body naturally can not accept it at all, so that they can be dangerous.

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